Coffee Types

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There are also many variations reflecting the coffee drinking cultures of different countries and regions where it is widely consumed around the world.


These options are served in smaller portions and are intended to be enjoyed by sipping. They are less diluted with milk or water, which means they will be best enjoyed by those looking for a strong, intense taste from their coffee.


Espresso is an important ingredient in almost every coffee. However, it can also be enjoyed on its own as a short, strong, silky and intense way to drink your coffee.


This is just more of the above. Two shots of espresso and that's it.


A short macchiato has the intensity and flavor of espresso, with some evaporated milk and foam added on top. It provides the perfect introduction to the intensity of espresso.


Ristretto is an espresso shot but with half as much water. This is the strongest and shortest coffee ever available.


Milk acts as a sweetener for the bitter and strong taste of coffee with the lactose it contains. Milk-based coffees also tend to be a more satisfying option for coffee drinkers.


Latte is an espresso-based drink with heated milk and a thin layer of milk froth on top. It is usually served in a tall coffee glass.


Cappuccino is similar to a latte, but with one important difference: Cappuccino milk is thicker and frothier, and delicious chocolate sprinkles are added on top. It is usually served in a cup or mug, depending on the size ordered.


Mocha is a pleasant combination of cappuccino and hot chocolate. Chocolate powder is mixed into the espresso shot, then thick, frothy milk is added and a sprinkle of chocolate is added on top.


Affogato is a sweet coffee made by placing a scoop of vanilla ice cream over a double shot of espresso.


Milk will play a big role in how your coffee tastes. Generally speaking, full cream milk offers the creamiest and frothiest milk and is therefore best for cappuccinos, lattes, mochas and other drinks that contain milk froth. This is because the fat content in milk is what makes it look thick and creamy. Skim milk is better suited to thinner milk-based coffees, such as flat whites. For those looking for a dairy-free alternative, soya milk has a good amount of 'flex', meaning it can create milk froth. Almond milk is another popular option because it has the potential to create a silky lather, but it tends to separate when heated.

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